Ethical farming is increasingly important to major UK retailers
Sheep producers take note – on 14 June 2021, the broad terms of the proposed free trade agreement between the United Kingdom and Australia were agreed.

Given an increasing demand for animal welfare in the UK supply chain, this is extremely interesting news for lamb producers using Numnuts. It’s not just us saying this!
Last year, UK supermarket Tesco gave us a huge nod by voting Senesino’s Numnuts the winner of its Agri T-Jam at the World Agri-Tech Summit.
As our win may have slipped by in such a news-dense year, we’ll highlight it again, along with its extraordinary value for producers.
Tesco is a retail giant. With a turnover of A$115 billion, it holds 27.5% of the UK market share and is one of the world’s top 10 supermarkets.
The company has consistently been placed close to the top in business rankings for leadership over ethical farming, and this is now integral to its business strategy.
To win this international award, Numnuts beat off impressive competition from 170 other technologies from 42 countries. We are now benefiting from introductions and unparalleled access to the Tesco supply chain partners.
Undoubtedly, this has sent out a clear signal that ethical farming is now a major concern for UK retailers.

Where Tesco leads, others will follow
According to Tesco’s Head of Agriculture, Natalie Smith, the outstanding benefits offered by Numnuts were evident:
“Senesino (Numnuts) was chosen as the company that would greatly benefit from further support from Tesco and its supplier partners to trial and scale up a simple piece of technology that has the potential to improve the welfare of thousands of animals within our supply chain.”
One thing is clear: Change is coming and to stay ahead of the curve, Australian lamb farmers need to demonstrate the best practice to sell into the UK – and potentially to other markets. Numnuts can certainly help the Australian industry to do just that.
Read more about the World Agri-Tech Summit and our award here or watch the 4-minute Numnuts pitch video on this page.