Farmers are sharing good news about lamb marking with Numnuts on social media.
It’s one thing for us to keep banging on about how great we think Numnuts is, but what really matters is what our customers, the lamb producers of Australia and New Zealand, have to say.
In between sending out orders for NumOcaine this lamb marking season, we’ve been keeping an eye on our feed. We’ve seen some Tweets to warm the cockles of our hearts, for some of you have posted words, pictures and videos to show how much a difference our little device makes.
Here’s what Emily Stretch from Western Australia had to say. Be sure to watch her video, which as we write has had nearly 3000 views!
Matt McDonald in western Victoria noticed how quickly the lambs got moving after the NumOcaine had done its work.

In South Australia, Hannah Gordon noticed how comfortable the lambs were and how quickly they mothered up.

We couldn’t have put it better ourselves!
Others are just happy to show progress with Numnuts, which fits straight in to the lamb marking process.
Over to Fi Hume and Robbie Tole, both of whom farm in Tasmania:

And then there’s this from John R Bruce in NSW, and Nick Pekin in Victoria.

But we can’t resist the opportunity to again share this tweet from last year, which remains one of our favourites.
The advice to practice on a certain fruit seems to make everyone smile! Ellie Quinn in NSW explains:

Read what more people think on our reviews page